
I convinced Monica to buy the ultra low cut jeansthat showed off the back of her panties. She agreed and commented on howshe had just the panties to wear with her pants. We checked out, and theclerk made a big deal over the fact that we saved 20% today."So do you think your husband will get mad you bought more clothes,"Monica teased.I was not going to give her the pleasure of a response and simply tippedmy nose up in the air and pressed on through the mall. Monica laughed aswe continued. We stopped in store after store. The shoe store was theworst. Somehow I had gained Jessica love for shoes and I almost bought a$150 pair of pumps. Thankfully Monica helped me out and found a pairthat looked close to the same, but only cost $20. I use to blame all ofJess's shopping expenses on Monica, but in hind sight Monica was actuallyhelping her keep it under control. We walked around the next corner and I saw something I was not expecting.Victoria's Secret was having a 40% off sale on. In fact, the rest of the 3 days also went like that. I constantly spent time with her and touched her boobs once or twice each day, sometimes with my elbow, sometimes with my hands pretending like it happened accidentally. I didn’t get any reaction from her either.Every night, our conversation was getting more intense but I could not take any risk in those 5 days as there were many relatives under one roof. So I decided to make my move after the function when we will return home.Then came the day of the wedding. The moment I saw her, I was mesmerized. She was wearing a maroon saree with a deep-neck blouse and her long open hair elevated her beauty. I couldn’t help admiring her.When I found some alone time with her, I couldn’t stop myself from flirting with her. She blushed. I took numerous selfies with my cousin’s wife. That day, I couldn’t spend much time with her as it was the function of their family and she was quite busy.Then the next day while leaving for home, I told my bhabhi.
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